Source code for pyhpke.aead_interface

from .aead_key_interface import AEADKeyInterface
from .consts import AEADId

[docs] class AEADInterface: """ The AEAD (Authenticated Encapsulation with Additional Data) interface. """ @property def id(self) -> AEADId: """ The AEAD identifier. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def key_size(self) -> int: """ The AEAD key size. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def nonce_size(self) -> int: """ The AEAD nonce size. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def tag_size(self) -> int: """ The AEAD tag size. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def import_key(self, key: bytes) -> AEADKeyInterface: """ Imports a byte string as an AEAD key. """ raise NotImplementedError()